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Showing posts from September, 2019


Korni talaga ako, but my YouTube dream is forcing me to create catchy captions. Haha! Your resident WAHM is back to blog here and vlog on my YouTube channel (Relaxed Wahmmy). Yes, I am not yet done exhausting EVERY opportunity to earn a living from home; only this time, what I seek is passive income from my passion projects. Tall order? Not really. I know from experience that it is doable. In fact, I've already made one of my heart's deepest desires come true in the last few months: I grew my freelance agency Happy Freelancing— yay! From solo to partnership with Bunch to hiring Social Media Assistants, Writers, Graphic Designers, and Video Editors on as needed basis; we now have a Writer, six Telemarketers, and a Social Media Assistant! All of them hired for long-term contracts. Also meeting with our HR consultant in a few days! So, nah. That ain't tall order. It just means I gotta work harder! This blog is part of my efforts to document this journey and to suppo