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Showing posts from July, 2015

Relaxed Parenting Tuesday: Let's Work Together

My life at home is a beautiful mess. It's a combination of stress and less. Stress brought about by having one space for both work and play, and less on travel time, transportation costs, traffic hassles, expensive work lunches, etc. I love what I do. When my sister asked for my advice on a career change she had to make; I asked her to list down PROS and CONS for both her options and make a decision from there. If I have to take my own advice and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of working in the office VS working from home; the latter will obviously win. But working from home is never always bright and sunny. There are days of no work, days of tons of work and days of distraction. The last sounded like the worst! Although spelled differently from 'destruction'; it is equally damaging to mood and productivity. WAHMs and freelancers should avoid days of distraction at all cost. It is a form of wasting time that can otherwise be spent with valuable work, family